WIZwireless Broadband Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do I need to change my email address?

A: No you can continue to use your current provider but we do provide a complimentary email address with your new subscription with WIZwireless – between 1x and 3x depending on your data plan

Q: How do I know which data plan I should be on if I live in rural area?

A: We have a variety of data plans and here is a sample

Option 1 : Entry Plan (special deal) $51.06 (3GB and 1000kbps down/1000kbps up)

Ideal for people coming off dialup and starting to enjoy emails and the internet - Grandparents who enjoy the computer to get emails and news of the family especially photos. Do a small amount of internet browsing when have a specific web address to go to - Is this you?

Option 2 : Standard Plan (our most popular plan) $86.89 (3GB and 4000kbps down/4000kbps up)

Ideal for people who enjoy sending photos by emails and research on the internet - Is this you?

Option 3 : Advanced Plan (experienced internet users) $107.33 (10GB and 4000kbps down/4000kbps up)

Ideal for people who want to work from home with quick fast internet connection which can be used for remote office - Business or household with people who enjoy the internet for research, downloads and general entertainment including teenagers who enjoy online videos, and/or online gamers- Is this you?

We also have larger data plans so make contact today and we can set you up

Q: Can I get a data plan if I live in urban area?

A: Yes we have a variety of data plans and a special data plan if you can get LOS from Department Building or Bennetts hill - here is a sample

Option 1 : Urban Starter Plan (special deal) $50 (2GB and 4000kbps down/1000kbps up)

Ideal for people with slow ADSL and want to run a VoIP voice calls over the internet and starting to enjoy emails and the internet - Grandparents who enjoy the computer to get emails and news of the family especially photos. Do a small amount of internet browsing when have a specific web address to go to - Is this you?

Option 2 : Family Plan (our most popular plan) $70 (20GB and 4000kbps down/1000kbps up)

Ideal for people with slow ADSL and who want to run a VoIP voice calls over the internet and who enjoy sending photos by emails and research on the internet - Is this you?

Option 3 : Multimedia Plan (experienced internet users) $90 (10GB and 4000kbps down/1000kbps up)

Ideal for people with slow ADSL and want to run a VoIP voice calls over the internet and who want to work from home with quick fast internet connection which can be used for remote office - Business or household with people who enjoy the internet for research, downloads and general entertainment including teenagers who enjoy online videos, and/or online gamers- Is this you?

Q: What does Line of Sight (LOS) mean?

A: All our network is wireless infrastructure which means it needs to be able to “see” where the wireless signal is coming from. It doesn’t like trees in the way nor large brick or corrugated iron buildings. If you are at all concerned about your LOS to one of our many radio masts, we recommend that you have a Line of Sight visit and the technician will hop on your roof to check the LOS to a radio mast and give a recommendation e.g. we can install your radio equipment here just 100m from the house

Q: Why do you recommend a power saving device you call a UPS ?

A: From experience we have found that the radio equipment is quite sensitive to power cuts and power fluctuations but you can try an installation initially without one but you will need to add a UPS if any technical support is due to power cuts.

Q: Why do I have to insure the radio equipment which you supply?

A: In order for us to supply you with no up front cost for the radio equipment our insurance company requires that you, the customer takes responsibility for the insurance. We recommend $800 because with will cover the cost of replacing the radio equipment plus our technical time to provide support for you.

Q: We really want to have broadband so how quickly can you come out and install it?

A: All our customers need to sign off a request for broadband form stating what plans you want and how the install is going to take place. We commit to having your installation done within 2-4 weeks of sign off and usually within 10 days unless the weather makes an installation unsafe.

Q: Can we still get a connection even if there is no obviously Line of Sight to a radio mast?

A: Yes – we commit to get a connection to you no matter what it takes. The LOS visit will recommend a solution for you – either by cable or various wireless devices from 100m to 35km

Q: We wish to connect the house and the shed, do you do this sort of wireless connection? We already have broadband at the house.

A: Yes – we are available for any type of wireless connection and you don’t have to get your internet through us. Of course we would like that but in the end the call is yours!

Q: What is the cost for having a fixed IP because I need to organise remote access so I can work from home but be in the office?

A: All our subscriptions get 1x fixed IP and cost for this is built into the monthly fee

Q: We have a new house and there is no phone landline can I do a voice service over your internet?

A: Yes our network is ideal for VoIP type calls as the connection is not limited by its upload like most cabled voice services over the internet. We do not provide this service ourselves but recommend you talk to companies like WorldxChange. We can supply the authorised router though for you.

Q: Do you have a subscription contract?

A: If you purchase the radio equipment then no there is no minimum contract but if you are on a rental plan then we ask for a 12 month minimum period which just rolls over unless you request a termination after this 12 month period. Before 12 months, there is a termination fee of $276 to come out and remove the radio equipment on your roof unless special arrangements have been made at the time of your connection.

Q: What are the POP3 settings for WIZwireless email?

POP3: 4x4.wizbiz.net.nz or mail.yourdomainname.co.nz (being your own domain name and settings eg mail.wizbiz.co.nz)

SMTP: 4x4.wizbiz.net.nz or mail.yourdomainname.co.nz (being your own domain name and settings eg mail.wizbiz.co.nz)

(Username and Password is required)

If you are within our network and are having problems with another provider eg xtra or Orcon or your own domain name, then use 4x4.wizbiz.net.nz for smtp (ie outgoing mail) but this will only work within our network

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