WIZwireless  New Zealand Rural Broadband
I-Sky Partner

Broadband Calculator

WIZwireless Limited Broadband Usage Calculator

Please fill in the boxes below and click the Calculate button.

Daily Use
Emails you would send and receive in a day (no attachments)?
Total webpages viewed in a day
Weekly Use
How many Adobe Acrobat files do you download a week ?
How many Excel files do you download a week ?
How many Word Document pages do you download or send per week ?
How many video clips ( e.g. youtube ) do you download or send per week ?
How many digital photos do you download or send per week ?
How many MP3 files do you download or send per week ?

Based on your information above we would expect your data usage to be:
Mb per month. ( 1000Mb = approx 1Gig )

Note: 1Meg or Mb= approximately 1000Kb
One page Word file = 150Kb
One page Acrobat file = 196Kb
Excel spreadsheet = 35Kb
One page email = 3Kb
One Webpage = 50Kb
Video clips = 9.2 Meg
Digital photos = 4.8 Meg
MP3 files = 3 Meg



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