WIZwireless  New Zealand Rural Broadband
I-Sky Partner

Web Host Services

WIZwireless Limited: Web Hosting Services

WIZwireless provides a range of competitive packages in web hosting, web registration, email addresses and web site maintenance. Along with purchased monthly packages, you can receive monthly web site reports which include visitors to your web site, most frequently use search phases and external links to your web site.

WIZwireless Web Hosting Solutions.

WIZwireless provides a range of comprehensive web hosting solutions. We will assist you in the selection of a domain name and provide you with matching email addresses. We can also develop your web outline and give you skills to maintain your own web site using our web host utility software.

WIZwireless Web Site Development.

WIZwireless provides a comprehensive range of web development solutions. We will assist you in the scope, design and development of your web site.

WIZwireless On-Site Training and Support.

WIZwireless provides complete training and support for small businesses on site for any web site technical problems.

We will provide you with a login and password so you can do all your own web site updates or we can do it for you at very competitive pricing.

WIZwireless Transfer Domain Name Fee.

WIZwireless can transfer your domain name and web site from the old web host provider to us. Need to supply the UDAI. We can also re-set up email addresses on our web host server if you provide the list of email addresses and passwords plus we can visit on site and check to see if you need to update your computers email software to the new service.

Normal value for this service is $57.50 for half hour work otherwise its $115 per hour plus travel contribution.

Web Host Plans

Monthly Data Cap

Monthly Subscription

Ideal for individuals, families, clubs who want to use their own name for identification and/or promotion but do not have a web site


  • FREE domain name
  • 5x mailboxes
  • web mail access
  • 100MB email space
  • 5GB monthly traffic
  • MySQL database N/A
  • cpanel access



Ideal plan for people who want a web presence as well as an email service


  • FREE domain name
  • 10x mailboxes
  • 300 MB web space
  • Unlimited email space
  • 10GB monthly traffic
  • MySQL database N/A
  • cpanel access



(Additional parked domain name associated with main account $5.75)

Large Website and CMS Service
Ideal plan for large users

  • FREE domain name
  • 100x mailboxes
  • 600 MB web space
  • Unlimited email space
  • 20GB monthly traffic
  • MySQL database via Fantastico - to over 60x different applications
  • cpanel access



(Additional parked domain name associated with main account $5.75)

Email or ring 06 370 9210 today for pricing options

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