Becks Tosswill is a mother, a farmer’s wife and a graphic designer. She lives far off the beaten track on a farm near Gladstone. She finds inspiration for her design work in their location and often relocates from her small studio inside to the lovely tree-shaded lawn next to the house to get her creativity flowing.
“We bought the farm about two years ago and WIZ was already available having been set up by the previous owners,” Becks explains.
“If I didn’t have the fast internet here I simply couldn’t run my design business. The internet is important for doing research and for sending files to clients and suppliers.
“My husband Richard also uses it for managing farm business. Things like banking and making payments are a breeze.
“As a mother, being able to work from home is great, I can do my design work around family commitments.”
As well as work the family uses the internet to connect with family and friends, to get news and to learn.
“Even my two-year-old Bella gets benefit because she can learn and see new things on the internet”
“Without broadband I think I would feel much more isolated and out of touch.”
“And WIZ are such a great company to deal with. I don’t tend to have any internet issues. Scott once came out to fix the transmitter at 4.00am! We didn’t even know there was a problem with it, but he did. We didn’t hear about it until later.”